Reinaldo Sánchez
Presidente Partido Nacional de Honduras.
“De hacer el bien nadie nunca se arrepiente”
That is the mindset that Reinaldo Sánchez has carried with him in life and his career as a public servant. In this episode of “Learn from Leaders” I sit down with Reinaldo Sánchez, a Honduran politician and businessman, a member of the National Party. He recalls his early signs of his career as a politician being the simple act of grabbing his treats from home and going around the neighborhood giving it out to others. He has always kept a giving and religious appreciation to life and has focused his goals in not just the helping of others through government, but to rebrand government in Latin America. With the not too fake stigma in the nation for politicians being that they are corrupt greedy men who steal from the have-nots, Reinaldo proves to be the mirrored opposite of that description. Every political victory, every family relation, every piece of happiness he takes is with humility and gratitude for life. Not to say that he has sat idle in this pursuit, no, Reinaldo has had to learn, educate himself the best he could and work twice as hard to keep on the honest path. Getting up early, working hard, and giving to others as much as he can everyday gives him his goal and in that he has had no true failures, for even they are blessings in disguise.
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes men healthy, wealthy, and wise”