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The best way to learn is through experiences.

This is precisely the reason for creating this space. To share best practices, experiences, and advice of smart people that during my life I had the pleasure to work with.

I hope you enjoy it and bring value to your life!

Innovar es una necesidad. La innovación nace del mix de ideas con tecnología y conocomiento. La clave está en construir sobre una base para luego ir mejorándola… en otras palabras: pivotar! 


Aprende de quienes están detrás de los conceptos que están transformando el futuro y cómo pivotean para seguir innovando.

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Creatività, stile e potenza delle idee. Essere italiani e’ un modo di fare e di vivere. Chi è nato qui ce l’ha nel sangue. Chi e’ passato di qui ne ha sentito il profumo e se ne è innamorato.

2020 was a challenging year. For this reason YPO decided to create an exclusive Podcast for the YPO Community where members share their learnings and experiences during this particular time. Ricardo was selected to created and moderate this space.

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