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Camila Crescimbeni

Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina

“¿Como vamos hacer para transformar la realidad?”

The answer to that question is what drives Camila to make new possibilities for her people and change the way that Argentinians and Latin Americans, in general, view politics. In this episode of "Learn from Leaders," I sit down with Camila Crescimbeni, a Diputada Nacional in Argentina and the Federal Director at the National Youth Institute. Most of her life, she has pushed herself to learn and embrace whatever she could out of school and abroad. She earned scholarships in different schools within the U.S and Europe learning and reflecting on her home of Argentina. Focusing on Argentina's education and the value that optimism and trust in the institutions and politicians have with the people has become critical for her career. She wants to see a larger unity between her fellow Argentinean citizen over politics and their nation's state. It seems that many Argentineans see the country in cycles; as she puts it, they have a fundamental distrust and disgust for the politics and rather focus on their personal lives. Camila had this option several times in her life. Whether to take the opportunity and earn a master abroad or stay and help your party and nation after a race. She had the options many times to get a private career, make more, avoid so much of the stereotypes that politicians get, but it is in her character to take up the mantle for her nation. She wants that responsibility and duty to her people from the love of her country. Her hope and dream are that the common person and politician reconnect and enhance their social contract as they try to break the historical cycles and misfortunes. While she continues to make gains for her party and nation, she focuses on the words she heard before to power their future.

“No te vayas a meter en la política, si no quieres cambiar nada”

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