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Nicolas Masloswski

SVP, PriceSmart.

“Si controlas la energía durante el tiempo de indecisión, tu puedes aceptar la realidad y vivir en el futuro”

Some of the wisest words said about the crisis in which the world is currently experiencing, wisdom that Nicholas Maslowski gained through his ever-changing and growing career. In this episode of “Learn from Leaders” I sit down with my good friend Nicholas Maslowski; he is the Senior Vice President at PriceSmart, former Chief Revenue Officer for, and Chief Marketing Officer Santa Teresa. Recalling his rather unusual upbringing, being born in Venezuela, his family would later move to the Soviet Union for a time living isolated from the communist system and communist education. He returned to Venezuela, where he began working with Procter and Gamble, which taught him a lot about what was to be his career in Market and Development. With a keen eye for opportunity, he took on Santa Teresa and expanded their internal sales while applying for an MBA at Harvard. He went off to study at Harvard, where he widened his horizons and possibilities to other parts of the world. Time, however, was not on his side as he was graduating in 2009. For the first time graduating Harvard students were not expected to be quickly employed after graduation. Luckily, he returned to Santa Teresa and took charge of their international markets, growing sales in a time of recession, growing its operation, and being acquired by Bacardi. His next opportunity lay with Aeropost in which he worked for four years accountable for over 40 countries and territories while situated in the U.S. With Aeropost subsequently becoming part of PriceSmart; his talents proved to be essential for the company becoming Senior Vice President. Nicholas has always had a great perception of the markets and where an opportunity might be, and it was through his adventurous life and strived for learning that he perfected those talents.

“Aprender es crucial. Es lo más crucial durante cualquier cambio”

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