Paula Quinteros
CEO, The Objective Media.
“Nunca vas a llegar a un momento sin obstáculos”
That’s what Paula Quintero wants others to know and to take into account in the projects and businesses that they might be embarking on. In this episode of “Learn from Leaders” I sit down with Paula Quintero is the CEO of The Objective Media in Spain and of El Estímulo Media. Born in Cali, Colombia Paula moved to Caracas, Venezuela when she was 17 and moving to college, beginning her career in Latin American communication. We recount a great deal of her constantly changing life, from her story of the first time that she made money to her experiences later on dealing with the premature death of her father and taking on the responsibilities that come along with that. Paula might have had a successful path, but it has never been an easy one, learning from a small age that in order to earn money and enjoy it you have to work without sleep and give it all your energy. It’s how from a small age she was moving from Colombia, Spain, Brazil and Venezuela; countries which turned out to be critical for her throughout her life. She has had great opportunities throughout her career with the offer of Televen opening the door to many of her future endeavors and meeting some of the people that would help and support her in the journey she had. She has been in the hardest and most demanding positions, within her family, her own life, or the different businesses that she has owned and worked with.
“Las piedras del camino solo se ponen más grandes”