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Daniel Lloreda

“Es un balance entre arte y ciencia”

A critical way that Daniel Lloreda analyzes the potential and value of the companies which come his way. In this episode of PIVOTeANDO, we are joined by Daniel Lloreda, General Partner/Founder, H20 Capital Innovation LLC. His great success at a young age can be attributed to his knack and willful eye for the right shots, as he recalls his time at Babson was primarily to sharpen students like himself to take chances and become an executive. With talent at networking and a hunger to make money from a young age, Daniel has always found ways to innovate and learn the markets. When he was little, he would buy candies from Costco on his trips to the U.S., and when he returned to Colombia, he would sell it to his classmates. The great thing about his company and where his career is facing is continuously in the pursuit of expanding, of finding those opportunities, stories, people that let him live a thousand lives and gives him the rush of starting from the ground up every time. His time, experience, and energy bring out the best in the businesses that he works on, and those same businesses really do bring out the best in himself.

“El Equipo es todo.”

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